Thursday, August 2, 2007

Donald Tabor for Va. Senate!

Don Tabor

Libertarian on Ballot for 14th Virginia Senate District

Wm. Donald Tabor Jr., DDS of Chesapeake has qualified for the November 6, 2007, ballot for the 14th Senate District in Virginia. Tabor is Vice Chairman of the Tidewater Libertarian Party affiliate, the 4th Congressional District representative to the Virginia Libertarian Party State Central Committee and a dentist in practice in Norfolk and Hampton, VA.

The 14th District seat is currently held by Republican Harry Blevins, a “moderate” who supported the very unpopular Hampton Roads Regional Transportation Authority, and is regarded as vulnerable in the conservative district straddling portions of the cities of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach.

There is no Democrat on the ballot.

The recent victory of anti-tax Republican Patricia Stall in neighboring Newport News over Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Marty Williams in the GOP primary demonstrates the vulnerability of tax-and-spend Senate Republicans to a challenge by a true advocate of low taxes and smaller government.

The spending of nearly half a million dollars by Williams and his supporters to Stall’s $30,000 also demonstrates the lengths to which the GOP is willing to go to protect their incumbents. It also clearly demonstrates the sentiment among the voters and proves that a giant war chest is not the sole indicator of victory. Tabor hopes to overcome a certain financial disadvantage with grassroots effort and heavy reliance on cost-effective Internet campaigning. The campaign web site is

The lack of a Democrat in the race combined with the incumbent’s “Big Government” voting record and connection to the Regional Transportation Authority, disapproved of by 71% of the public in a recent poll, has created a real opportunity for a Libertarian victory. Tabor and his supporters have thus started the beginnings of a drive to elect the first Libertarian to a major state level office in Virginia.

In this Libertarian versus Republican race, support from Virginians in and outside the 14th District is needed to help take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity. Tabor and his campaign call upon your support. Whether you can assist financially, participate as a member of his election team, or have a connection to share; please contact the campaign via the website for Email and online donations.